A Second Chance in Autumnview Read online

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  People ask me all the time why I came back to Summerland after starting a super well-paying job at a prestigious tech company in Silicon Valley.

  When I first got back to town, most people assumed it’s because I’m a Daddy’s Girl who didn’t have what it took to live on her own. And now that I’m about to be married, I’m sure they’ll think it’s because I also don’t have what it takes to be a single career woman.

  The real reason I came back home is that I’ve never been happier than when I was growing up here. It’s not because Summerland is a beautiful beach town that’s about as idyllic as you can imagine.

  Standing across from me is the reason I came back home. I’ve been gifted with an intellect that gives me a lot of options in life. But, it doesn’t determine which option I take. That’s for me to decide. And I decide on him.

  I’ll always decide on him.



  “Good job today, Brett,” my boss says. “I’ve meant to tell you how happy I am to have you on the team.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” I tell my boss—who happens to be the mayor of the city where I live now with my wife, Olivia, and our two children, Sam and Lexi.

  “I think the thing I admire about you most, Brett, is how modest you are. You’re so capable of having the spotlight on you. But you don’t look for it. And you can allow people to attempt to disrespect you and just shrug it off,” my boss says. “I have a lot to learn from you, my friend. What’s your secret?”

  “I have three things waiting for me at home far more important than anything anyone could do or say to me, Sir,” I say back.

  We shake hands as we do at the end of each day. Then, my boss’s driver opens the door of the armored Escalade. I slide off the vinyl and onto the sidewalk.

  “Don’t forget, Brett. We’ve got to start gearing up for the election. I know you have your hands full running the city’s economic development. But I want you to part of my campaign team as well,” my boss says. “You think the people of Winter Green can handle four more years of Sean Green as their mayor?”

  “Of course, Sir,” I say, nodding appreciatively.

  I shut the door, and the car rolls quietly down the road of our peaceful residential street.

  I walk up the white fence around my house and have to pry open the gate. One of my kids must have jammed the lock again.

  Then, I race up the brick staircase, desperate to see my wife after a very long workday.

  She opens the door for me before I even reach the top of the stairs.

  “Honey, I missed you!” Olivia yells, holding her arms out for met to hug her.

  I grab her in my arms and pull her against my chest. Then, I leave a long, passionate kiss on her neck and find it difficult to take my lips off her soft, sweet-smelling skin.

  “Not like I missed you, Baby Girl,” I growl into her ear.

  “Your son is throwing another fit because I won’t let the kids eat dinner until you get home,” Olivia says with a giggle.

  She’s laughing because my son is becoming a lot like I was when Olivia and I first met. I would get mad at just about just everything. And, take any opposing thought as a direct challenge to my manhood that had to be attacked at full force.

  On the one hand, I think my son’s assertiveness will serve him well in life. On the other hand, it’s caused me so much grief in my life. I’m trying my best to help him avoid some of that.

  “Kids!” I roar as I step into the house. “Daddy’s home!”

  “Oh, yes. He is…” Olivia purrs in that sexy, sultry tone that she usually reserves for the bedroom.

  She wraps one arm around my neck and lets the other one slide over my bulge.

  “Honey. In front of the kids?” I ask.

  As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I regret them wholeheartedly. I might be a father, but I’m still a man, and my wife is beyond sexy. She’s the most arousing woman on the face of the Earth.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry!” She says, pecking me one last time on my chest before the kids enter the hallway. “I’ve just been waiting all day for you, Daddy…”

  “Daddy!” My kids scream at the same time.

  Olivia lets go of me so that my kids can more easily wrap their arms around me. I lift them both in the air and then carry them into the kitchen.

  “Daddy, Sam has a crush at school,” Lexi tells me as I put her down in her chair.

  “Shut up!” Sam yells aggressively.

  “Nothing to be ashamed of, Son,” I tell him. “What’s her name?”

  “Nicki,” he says awkwardly.

  “Such a stripper name,” Olivia mutters under her breath as she fixes our son a plate of food.

  “Olivia…” I say to her.

  I swear…My wife might be an actual genius. But her filter for determining what is appropriate is almost non-existent sometimes. And actually, I love her that way.

  “What’s a stripper, Daddy?” Lexi asks me.

  “A type of candy,” I tell her. “Son, tell me more about Nicki. Are you going to do something sweet for her like buy her flowers or something?”

  “Ew, no, Dad,” Sam says. “Why would I do something stupid like that?!”

  “He pushed her into a pile of mud. She pretty much hates him now. She said she would rather drink pure poison than have Sam kiss her,” Lexi laughs.

  “Ah, well, son. She just wasn’t the right girl for you. Trust me. When the one that was made for you and who you were made for comes around, you’ll treat her better than any other man would ever dream of doing,” I say as I scratch his long, unkempt blonde hair.

  “Nope,” he says without hesitating. “I’m never going to become corny like you for a girl, Daddy. Never. Not ever!”

  “You say that now,” I say, looking at my wife. “Son, you just need a new view of things.”



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  About the Author


  Short, Hot, Safe, HEA, Did I Already Say Hot? ‘Cuz Really Hot!

  Devyn Cole means Insta-love stories to set your heart…and other parts on fire! Innocent young women and their huge alpha-males also included.

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